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Test, just a test |
Visiteur XRumerTest
Hello. And Bye.
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 12:10
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Re : Test, just a test |
Put's your hand up!!!!!!
This is not a test! This is sound of COSSSSSSSSSSSSMMMMMMMMMMMMOSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSS! Everibody jummmmmmmpppp!!!! (ok je sors, mis si je peux même plus accueillir les bot's.... )
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 12:25
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Re : Test, just a test |
Maître Pattie l'Orthophage
27/12/2006 19:14 Groupe :
Conseil consultatif Évaluateurs Auteurs Membres Oniris Post(s):
C'est quoi, les nouvelles vitamines qu'on donne aux Ambassadeurs ? On peut en avoir quelques-unes ?
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 12:29
C'est quoi cette mode de bâcler ses loisirs à toute vitesse ? Turtle Power ! |
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Re : Test, just a test |
Na Pattie, c'est comme tes pralines, on TOUCHE PAS!!!
Faut être amba!! This is only a test... Please do not be alarmed, remain calm. Do not attempt to leave the dancefloor. The DJ booth is conducting a troubleshoot test of the entire system. Somehow, while the party was in progress, an unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time. And while many of you have been made too brainwashed to comprehend, this frequency is, and has become a threat to our soceity as we know it. This frequency has been used by a secret society in conjunction with Lucifer to lure and prey on innocent partygoers. With hypnotism, syncroprism, tricknology, lies, scandal, and pornography. While the party is still in progress we will keep you updated on our current status. We repeat, this is only a test, this is only a test. This station in conjunction with other airwave announcements will conduct this exact test without prejudice, under the juricepurdence of the soul, the mind, the body, the positive, the negitive, the ground, the proton, the neutron, the electron, the ying, the yang, the young, the sun, the moon, the star. This is only a test. Do not atempt to leave the dancefloor This station in conjunction with other airwave announcements will conduct this exact test without prejudice, under the juricepurdence of the soul, the mind, the body, the positive, the negitive, the ground, the proton, the neutron, the electron, the ying, the yang, the young, the sun, the moon, the star, the man, the woman, the child, the plaitiff, the defendant, the judgement, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the past, the present, the future Here we go... (Estelle Clubbeuse vous conseille Alice D in Wonderland en fond sonnore...)
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 12:29
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Re : Test, just a test |
Vous nous aviez caché ce talent, maître S2L !
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 12:42
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Re : Test, just a test |
DJ K'A'O'S jette le son! Come on you pupills, throw away your nightmare and both of ypour clothes! JUMP! Le lien de Sista S2l!
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 12:48
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Re : Test, just a test |
(Estelle, ne peut pas empêcher certaines de ses qualités innombrables de se montrer, mais garde un mystère autour de sa nudité Sm assumée...)
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 13:06
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Re : Test, just a test |
Maître W
19/01/2008 01:44 Groupe :
Évaluateurs Auteurs Membres Oniris Groupe de Lecture Post(s):
Citation :
Puisses-tu nous épargner longtemps encore... W
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 13:57
Blog : Fan Page :!/pages/Le-Widj/181712404730?ref=ts |
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Re : Test, just a test |
SOTW, tu me plais quand tu me flagelles... ;°))
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 14:06
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Re : Test, just a test |
03/08/2007 18:17 Groupe :
Primé concours Auteurs Membres Oniris Post(s):
Ite ize peaussibole tou have somme eu lotte of frainche parroles, in the midel offe ze message ? Bicoze it ize véri diffiqueulte (Queulte, maïquel queulte, bien sûr !) tou folove ze discution eundair zisse condissions, iaissœur !
Leo, entering slowly in Xmas spirit !
Contribution du : 18/12/2009 14:21
"Il vaut mieux mobiliser son intelligence sur des conneries que sa connerie sur des choses intelligentes" (Proverbe Shadock) |
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